The Saber Marionette J Shrine

you are the person to come to my website
Choose any sections to find more about Saber Marionette J OVA
Click the picture to go to our Multimedia site where you can download 

the songs from the Saber Marionette J OVA cd.

Click the picture to find information on The OVA series
Click the picture to go to the other Saber Marionette J sites & other        


Click the picture to email Lime-chan,please send email for comments

& suggestion If you want to know more or want to join

Angel's Anime Fanclub send it to Lime-chan. Also please

email Lime to ask for permission if you want to put some

stuff from our website on your site.

Click the picture to go to our Image Gallery and Fanart page Where

you can find lots of pictures of Saber Marionette J OVA and fanart made

by us and other people.

Updated: March 26, 2000

Konnichiwa!!! I've been gone for a long time...Gomenasai.

If you were downloading stuff in multimedia, you may have discovered some techical difficulties, geocities deleted one of our websites where the 3 songs were. So I have to get it again and upload it. -_- Very sorry.

I will try to get more stuff soon, I have been busy trying to update my 2 other websites, (MP3 Shrine and Lime and Marine's Anime Shrine). So sorry for al the delays. Anyway, I'll have stuff soon! So please stay tuned ^_^


p.s: For people who have fanart of smj you can all email it to me! I need it, and once I am done updating everything I will put this site on anipike, until then it is linked from the MP3 Shrine. Thank you! (Email Lime_chan, Miaka_chan is busy)


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Site owned by Lime-chan

Everything in this site is owned by the Angel's Anime Fanclub Last Updated 26-03-2000