My Bookmarks!

Sites I Like

Game Faqs

Game Faqs is one of my favorite web sites, because it contains a plethora of information on just about every video and pc game out there and I especially like this site, because of the myriad of cheats available for most games.

EQ Atlas

EQ Atlas is a site that provides free online maps for one of my favorite pc games called Everquest. is a great site for getting current info on the wonders of space exploration and all things space related.

Sites I Don't Like

The MTV site always seems to take an unusually long time to load up on screen.

Walmart has used the imminent domain law to force people out of their homes and use their property to build new walmarts.

He just makes me so mad sometimes, but there are times he's pretty cool =)

Honorable Mention

Ad Critic

And honorable mention goes to this hilarious and yet somewhat scary prospect of our future whenever we go to buy something - ripped from