Alone together

Yet, as our attention comes to rest more in pure presence, a natural intelligence emerges. This intelligence bypasses our genetic gifts, IQ, age, cultural conditioning, and education. We might call it an intelligence of the heart.

The willow dancing with all its grace with the winds on the forest, do we see it?
The leaves turn and twist with the rain in the forests , do we know it?
The love remains in one heart .

Just being in the pristine awareness of here and now, you become as a reflecting pool, and those who gather around tend see their own images. What has been murky suddenly clears up, and sometimes in that clearing there is a fierceness. Truth and love don't always show up as honey dipped. Sometimes it takes a great courageousness of heart to allow a stripping away of all that is extra, all that we have been holding onto for so long.

Haven't you ever had the experience of finding yourself with someone who is just quietly present and suddenly there is something like a quake in your being. Some big construct of beliefs or identification begins cracking up and falling away. And though it may mean immense change of some sort, you find that you literally cannot hold onto the false construct any longer. So you surrender. You surrender into this fierce clarity. And there is love, there is compassion, there is your own natural wakeful presence. Are you willing to surrender to that?



G.Imthiyaz Ahmed