Note: Apologies are in order for a lot of people. My computer crashed and I lost the member list. Y'all know who you are, so will the people who haven't been listed yet kindly re-submit your applications?
And THEN there are the people who signed up before I could find out about Geocities' new setup scheme. Re-submit it too. Onegai?
Thank you, thank you, thank you! This overworked and harrassed girl is deeply grateful for all your support.
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r e a s o n s
Ryoga's Options:
Akari - Let's face it, she's just like Shampoo, only her disposition's more
sickeningly sweet. She only fell in love with Ryoga when he beat that giant
pig of hers, fer crying out loud! Pro-Akari people cry out 'But she loves
him in his pig form!' News flash: Ryoga hates it. She's a nice girl, but
she would just smother him.
Akane - Riiiiight, like she's not really going to get together with Ranma.
Anyone who believes these two would get together is living in a dream world.
Ukyo's Options:
Konatsu Kenzan - Ukyo cares for him only as a friend. Duh-hey, who didn't
see that coming?
Tsubasa - Ukyo may be a crossdresser, but this is no guarantee that she's
going to go for a male that does too. 'Sides, she finds him annoying, and
that is NOT a good basis for a relationship.
Pantyhose Taro - He's far too obssessed with changing his name to have time for
romance, don't you think?
Tatewaki Kuno - A sucker for a pretty face, he fell for Ukyo when she got
dressed in girly clothes. While this must have been very flattering for
her, Kuno-chan's huge ego just wouldn't cut it with her sensibility.
Simply put, Ryoga and Ukyo deserve better - each other! Ryoga's a dreamer and he needs someone to bring him down out of the clouds, and who better than his more-often-than-not partner-in-crime Ukyo Kuonji? She's one of Nerima's sweetest girls who can do much better than them run-of-the-mill crossdressers. It's been pointed out that the two are alike, but not too alike that they'd bore each other. Both are excellent fighters, and fight well as a pair. While that seems superficial at first, it means that the two are perfectly in accord with what the other is thinking and don't get in each other's way. Their scenes in the 'Tunnel of Lost Love' episode were swoon-worthy, and you just find yourself wishing Rumiko Takahashi would just get those two together.
Even Ranma and Akane thought there was something going on between the two.
And as Nik pointed out, Ukyo Hibiki has a nice ring to it. ^_^
g o o d i e s
Ryoga-Ukyo Windows logos and .wav files. While the logos were created by yours truly, the wave files are just a compilation of what you'd find on the 'Net after hours of searching. If by any chance there's something wrong with them, just e-mail me, okay? That'd be greatly appreciated.
Ryoga-Ukyo Windows logos (111 KB)
Visit Yellow on Black for some Ryoga-Ukyo fics. Arigato!
NEW COUNTER! This page has been visited by by Goddess Skuld, April 04, 1999
Ryoga Hibiki, Ukyo Kuonji and Ranma 1/2 is copyrighted by Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Video, etc. etc.
people who support the Ryoga-Ukyo pairing since August 10, 1999