Miracle Girls

Konnichi wa.Welcome to my page.This page is about an Anime Series-MIRACLE GIRLS.

Miracle Girls is about two twin girls who go to high school. Tomomi is a tomboyish girl who is good at sports. Her sister Mikage is better academically.Both girls have boy friends, although Mikage's boy friend Kurashi ge-senpai left for London in the second episode. Mikage tends to have more romantic relationships, while Tomomi is on the buddy system. What makes these girls different is their ESP powers. They both have limited telekinesis, have telepathy only with each other, and can teleport only when they cooperate. The series is abou the sometimes funny/sad/romantic lives of the two twins, and the occasional complications brought about when they use their powers.

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Notice: £º
A ha! It's almost a year I did't update my page!=D I'm really excited to say that I finally have a chance to read through MIRACLE GIRLS original comics on 2003 Valentine's.However I'm shocked to find out that the story of the comics is slightly different from the animation. So if you have any information, midi, songs, pictures or staff about MIRACLE GIRLS, please e-mail me 'cause I really need them to update my page. THANK YOU VERY MUCH =D
ruly_sl@yahoo.com or ICQ me at #48869132

Sayoonara! Please come and visit my page soon !!! TQ

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Last update:14.02.2003

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