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Training Ground News.........
5-13-03;3:56 a.m.,EST-
Well, I have decided to discontinue maintenence or updating of this site until further notice.It's been a fun three years, but I'm in college now and don't have the time to even think of working on a website. -Piccolo

7-30-01;1:13 a.m.,EST-
Been playing alot of Day of Defeat and Team Fortress lately.Trying to get back into playing Counter-Strike more.Downloaded Frontline Force, GREAT MOD!!! All it keeps track of is your points, and not deaths.Simply brilliant!Makes for a most enjoyable gaming experience. I also got accepted as a member to the DoD clan AwD, I am very happy about this.Well, gotta get some sleep.I'll do some more updating when I can. -Piccolo

10-21-01;11:11 p.m.,EST-
Sorry for the lack of updates, but it's my senior year of High School and I've been very busy.I should be able to do more as the year progresses.-Piccolo

10-30-01;10:47 a.m.,EST-
At school right now, can't do much, but need to start watching DBZ again. I've been out of it.Later.-Piccolo

Dragonball Z/GT © Bird Studio,Toei Animation,Shueisha.
Licensed to FUNimation Productions,Inc.