Japan Bikini Club

JaPaN BiKiNi cLuB

WeLcOmE, to Japan [ Bikini ] Club, this site is dedicated to BeAuTiFuL [ Japanese ] women and to the men who [ Adore ] them! Each link [ Below ] will take you to that girl's [ Gallery ], in each gallery there are [ Several ] pages. Note, there are no [ Thumbs ], so if you have a slow internet [ Connection ], I suggest you follow the [ Links ] on each page instead of [ Waiting ] for the pics to load, since it is [ Faster ]. bTw, you [ Are ] the person to [ Visit ] my page!

Akiko [ Hinagata ]'s Gallery

[ Noriko ] Sakai's Gallery

Rion Tamura's [ Gallery ]

[ Extra ] Gallery(these [ Girls ] didn't have enough pics to get [ Their ] own page)

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