Created: 11/21/04 Updated: 01/27/05
 "Winner of the Marvel Super Heroes Tournament" |
The Marvel Super Heroes Tournament
This was one of the most disfunctional tournaments I've ever been in. And I'm the one who hosted it. Heh! Well it wasn't entirely my fault. Thanks to schedule conflicts from outside forces and my job and school and what not, the Tournament wasn't held Saturday like it was planned. Instead it was random battles of all particapaints and Chicken Power came out on top. Since it was all random, there was no second place.
It's a shame too, because I have everything organized and ready to go. I swear I wasn't going to have any problems. The only reason I'm not super pissed about me being scheduled to work at my job the day of my Tournament is because my job pays me good money, and this Tournament stuff doesn't get me jack shit. At least not right now. So I got over it.
XvS Tournament on Feb 19th
You know what they say, the third time is the Charm. So I'm now announcing Naruto's Tournament #3. This time I've already schedule waaay ahead, leaving no room for people to screw up my day and this Tournament will go off without a hitch. If you want to sign up, hit the entry button at the top of the page and fill out the form. That's all there is too it. And since X-men vs. Street Fighter is my game, I'm pulling out all the stops for this one. Rules will come later, because I'm making a special set for this one.
And just to let you guys know in advance, I'm considering hosting this Tournament on Final Burn Alpha. Why? Two main reason: No Turbo whores, and to be able to record these matches.
Important things to remember:
- Last day to enter the competition is Feburary 17th.
- The tournament starts at 1:00 pm eastern.
- You'll be notifiyed by email so keep that in mind.
The last day for entries will be on the 17th and the tournament starts at 1:00 pm so if you need to schedule your time so you can play, you should probably do it now.
If you have questions or concerns that don't seem to be on this site, email me at
Naruto's Gamers List:
Vampire Savior: Darkstalkers' Revenge (US 970519)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904)
Marvel Super Heroes (US 951024)
Marvel vs. Capcom (US 980123)
X-men vs. Street Fighter (Euro 960910)
All games will be be played with Mame32K v0.64 or Final Burn Alpha v2.94.98
Past Tournament Champions:
L.Thebrohood - Marvel vs Capcom
chicken_power - Marvel Super Heroes
Latest Site Updates:
January 27, 2005 -
The Xmen vs. Street Fighter tournament is on! Sign up now because I'm only taking about 25 to 30 entries. I don't have time to make schedules. If there are more than that, we will have elimination matches to see who gets on the roster and who doesn't.
January 09, 2005 -
The Marvel vs. Capcom Tournament was a success and the next tourney has already been announced. Marvel Super Heroes on the 22nd of this month and entries are now being accepted.
December 22, 2004 -
The Marvel vs. Capcom Tournament was announced today for the 8th of January. This first Tournament of 2005 which falls on a Saturday. Sign up today to get on the roaster.
November 30, 2004 -
Site rules and notices and entries have been added. Also the first Tournament has been scheduled for December 18th. Start your training ladies and gents.
November 29, 2004 -
Mame32k added to the site for download. This mame has the updated version of Kaillera that accepts the more recent games like KOF 2002.
November 21, 2004 -
Naruto's Fighter Villa makes it's appearance on the internet. Welcome all Fighters! More shall
follow as the page evolves over time.