*House of J*
          Bamboo WatchTower 
( The Bamboo Tavern may return after a little remodeling and defusing of bomb threats)
September 3, 2006
     Yes, it has been a long hot summer and the 1st hurricane has passed. Kyla Grace "graced" our lives in June and is eager to share happiness with everyone. What is in store for the Fall of 2006? Has the year been good to you so far? New friends? Getting re-aquainted with old ones and relatives? Births, deaths, illnesses and weddings constantly
swirled in, out and around our lives, sometimes with no warning or permission. We've faced and dealt with so much so far, does it seem to ever end. Life is just like that, no excuse or hi or bye. Have the goals we've aspired to happened yet? Have the people we've been searching for come or have left?
Speaking for myself, I cannot say how it has gone for you. Maybe taking a page from Joseph's book of life, "it is better to look good and feel good enough" (and taste your own boogers). With so much to look forward to before 2006 ends, I hope you've realized your dreams and made some dreams reality. Make some new promises to yourself and create new dreams in the making.
   Salut! and see you next time!

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