Hi, my name is RAIDEN.I am a 5'7 145lbz vietnamese man, with short black hair, brown eyes,pointy nose,full lipz,cleft chin, tan complexion,n with an athletic built. I was in a 4 1/2 year relationship. it ended a lil over 2 yearz ago n am now starting to look again. I am not much of a one night flinger. I am more of a comitting kind of man. "Y have meaningless sex when one can make meaningful n passionate love" But Damn, itz been over 2 years now, I am going nutz here:P well since i am thinking of it let me just go bust a nut lol :P. Well, here r some of my fav quote u can read them til i finish relieving my urges lol. "Itz better to love n lost then to never have loved at all" by some dude, i 4got. "The world getz colder as ones age getz older" writen n resited by ur lord :) ahhhh!! i am done now excuse me i feel kinda sleepy now lol.
PERSONALITY: i am impatient(ecspecially when driving),witty, n sarcastic(being a smart ass):( but am also CHARMING "did u gain weight?", ROMANTIC "valentines day?sooo i am not watching B ball tonight?", HONEST"no baby, itz not a whore house itz a massage parlor", OUT GOING " i need foot wear? y, where the hell am i going?", CARING "i know ur leg is broking n all but can u wipe ur feet b4 getting in my car?" , CONSIDERATE "operation?but i need the money for my new TV",AFFECTIONATE "handz off chic, do i look like a teddy bear to u?",UNDERSTANDING "y u alwayz yacking when i am watching a game?" N WITH A SENSE OF HUMOR .
HOBBIES: I enjoy athletic sportz,going to club, playing pool,watching movies, listening to music,dinning out, relaxing at a coffee shop, being out in the great open nature,hiking,sky diving, traveling, but most of all, i love to spend quality time with the woman i love like taking long walkz, watching the sun set n rise,gazing at the starz,cuddleing in front of a warm fire, sharing an icecream cone at a park, or just sitting on the couch cuddleing while watching a nice romantic movie together.
IDEAL PERSON: I am looking for a woman whoz between 20-25. I would like her to b honest cuz without trust there is nothing,affectionate cuz i love to cuddle, kiss n express how i feel for her, Mature n intelligent for those deep intimate conversationz, romantic cuz we all need a lil romance sometimes,considerate n understanding for our time of need, a sense of humor for my goofy self, n she needz to b a bit out going so we can explore n try new thingz. Yes, it seemz like i am asking way too much but it should b fare to recieve what one is willing to give,right?
Me, thuggin' it.
Me, after clubbing fall of 2000.
Me, 2 years ago summer of 1999.
Me, at the age of 17.