Welcome to
High School United and Sumida High School of Sakura district!!! You can join
this PBEM here, all you have to do is to read the
information packages and rules, then fill in the
application form. If your character is approved, you'll
be informed through email and will be automatically
subscribe into HighSkool United's mailing list which you
shall post your stories, it usually takes about less then
a week or at most two weeks for the application to be
accessed so please wait patiently. But if unfortunately,
you did not get a reply in two weeks, please kindly
repost your application, usually it won't happen though,
unless you're very( I MEAN VERY!) unlucky. Other things
to note, I'm not the GM for this PBEM, I'm just one of
it's player. The GM is Elfere, so if there are any problems about
applying, blah, blah, blah, direct your questions to
him, however, you can also ask me if you can't contact
him. But first, some intro is neccesary...
of this PBEM
It was the year 1998, Alex Shen created an anime RPG
called High Schools United, he recruited several players
to play it, of course I am among one of them, but that's
not the important thing. Anyway, as Alex is still a
student and is constantly pressured with homework and
tests, he found it hard to maintain the PBEM, so he
decides to call it quits. But the some players decided to
go on and took over the PBEM, they are Akira
and Elfere...
The first
site of High Schools United.
Every school district has their own share of schools.
Each rivaling each other in a certain way. Some may rival
each other through sports, such as football or
basketball. But there is no way to explain the sheer fun
and joy of beating the crap out of other students from
your rival school.
You'll take
on the role of any type of character you can make up.
Every month, a story will be posted. There will be a new
type of story each month. There will be a setting set for
each month. All actions will be held within the e-mails
Gameplay is simple. The game master will pass out the
story to all of those attending that month's rpg game.
Then the actions will have to be sent to the game master
and to the people who that section of the story pertains
to. There is no order it has to go in. It's more so first
come first serve basis. You send an e-mail faster than
another character pertaining to the same subject, you're
action goes into play and the other is nulled.
Package on Sakura School District
When Alex Shen created this, there were three schools; Gundori, Huriyoko and Korrina High. However, due to the fact that the playing environment is too big. I decided recently (13/03/2000), that the three school shall integrate into one. Sumida High School shall be it's name. There may be further adjustments to the game later, we'll see. If you got any suggestions, email me and I'll gladly consider it.
Possibly the main goals of this anime-type pbem rpg is to
re-create the experience of high schools and to
provide enjoyment through one's imagination. The other
goal is to hopefully have other anime otakus meet more
anime otakus. It's a whole friend celebration!
Player per 1 RPG character. You can only have
one, this way the game will move faster.
must be responded within 2-3 days. If you can not
do so, please message me of the problem and why.
This way we will have a way to tie in the story
when you return.
profanity. That mostly pertains to the
crazy-arssed swearing. If you need to do so, just
represent it with a bunch of symbols (i.e.:
there is any problems caused by any player, such
as harrassment and such, they will be booted from
the rpg.
Players will send their part of the story to the PBEM mailing list. The address is highskool@egroups.com
Rules of
the Game:
Now the game goes as this. The GM will e-mail all the
current players on updates on the story so they can add
more. All story additions will be based on a first come
first serve basis. Players are free to e-mail each other
to discuss joint stories, as described above.
That's how gameplay works, and the story will usually end
at the end of the month or so.
Here are some links to other PBEM sites, also listed is
Elfere's High Schools United page, please go there for
the stories posted by the players.
