We've Moved!

Tsukio and Ksa's Fanfic Central has moved. Our new URL is http://www.angelfire.com/ca7/tetsusaiga. Please update your bookmarks to the new URL. Thank you.

Note: The new location should look exactly like this one did... for now. I will, once I hear back from all the authors I e-mailed, be expanding my website to include fanfics by others other than myself, Ksawarrior, and Shukumei. The authors who have agreed to have their fics hosted on my website so far are DBSommers (author of Shampoo 1/2 and others) and Thrythlind (author of Ryoko Saotome, The Amazon and The Moneylender, and others). Their fanfics will soon appear on my website at the new URL. Hopefully the other authors I e-mailed will get back to me soon. Anyway, if you are an aspiring fanfiction author, but you need a place to put your fanfics on the web, contact me at Tetsusou@mac.com and I will give them a home on my website. Thanks!