All those waiting impatiently for the Utena Movie Raise your hand!! This is my laziest webpage yet. Just so You don't think bad of me...Jessa the Kind did all the scanning for me since I have yet to master the art of good scans. and I'd like to thank. Wait wrong speach. I am sorry that some of the pictures are small, but if you have seen the Anime picture books or the other places these scans came from, you would know what a wonderful job Jessa did with them. Here are some good looking big pics that I just wanted to put on the front page of all this. Someday I will make this page better, but I did this in and hour, then spent the rest of the day uploading pics. No seriously, so I just went with the fastest way to load thumbnails of the number I have and get them out to you, the Utena starved public. You may know me from my other page that is now defunct since the university has no sense of humor when it comes to hosting web pages for people who graduated last year. Really , I did get a degree. Stop laughing, anime is good, Utena and Onisama E... are better. For this page I tried to use front page, but was hopeless changing it for use with Geocities. So it did take more than an hour.
I'll eventually put links up. ^_^
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