Laura: Why are we at this part of the site instead of the beginning of the page?
Harley: Laura, I have some bad news.
Laura: What?
Harley: Our homepage is going through an identity crisis.
Laura: AuUuGgGgGhHhHhH!!!!!!!!!!!_!_!_!_! (SD Laura enters Panic Mode and begins the run-left-and-right scenario) NoT our Homepage! Is our homepage going to survive?! Please-tell-me-I-can-take-the worst!!!!
A somewhat ruffled Harley grabs Laura by the shoulders and tries to shake some reality into her.
Harley: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD LAURA, IT'S JUST A HOMEPAGE! It's not as though it can think, say, or has any feelings!!
The homepage (or just a *walking cartoon yellow square claiming to be the homepage) begins to make a reply to that remark but swiftly has Harley's hand in front of its mouth before two word could be spoken.
Melissa: Yeah Laura, there's no need to get all worked up over a small thing like a homepage identity crisis.
Laura: (calmed down, Harley lets her go) So what's happened?
Sheryl: What Harley is referring to is the title of our homepage. This is due to the fact that our homepage hasn't been updated in a really long while because of our lack of thinking up names for ourselves. We really need a name for our homepage so that we can have a means for drawing up our creation and saying what's in our homepage. while
Laura: You're right. We need to put in some real effort into our homepage, it's our own and it should be unique and nothing more.
Kathy: (whispers) Is it just me or did what Laura say make complete sense?
Harley: (whispers back) When Laura makes sense something miraculous is bound to happen. Maybe an update will occur, more fanfics and sections of our own.
Kathy: (whispers back) You could be right.
Laura: So how do we figure out the solution to our homepage identity crisis?
Sheryl: Do what any other respective character would do whenever faced with a difficult decision?
Laura: WoOoO-HoOoO!!!_!_! (jumps up in the air cheerfully)
Moments Later...
Melissa: Okay, everyone think of a name for our homepage. (Harley, Melissa, Sheryl, Kathy and Laura do so) Now we just go though the process of elimination.
Harley: And if there's a tie, both people get to stay in the group until one wins.
Melissa: Right, now let's get to it.
Harley, Melissa, Sheryl, Kathy and Laura: Paper, Rock, Sissors!
Sheryl: I chose Paper.
Kathy: Same here.
Laura: I chose paper also because things like cute rabbits,cats, and fluffy clouds can be drawn on it.
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