i am counting you
i am old

so i've had this website for about a year, and i think it's probably been mighty confusing to a lot of people. so i recently decided to have an introduction to this site. well folks, this is the site. i've got pictures of neat things and other random stuff. i play in some band named the fictions and you can find show info here. i'm also starting up my own band and am looking for a drummer. um, i've got some links to cool things down below and well that's about it. just explore and you might find something.

current j-lo news:

[2/27/2004 2:39 am]
alright, i guess it's pretty obvious that this website is mainly dead. you can explore the remnants of the ancient though, i'll leave all the junk in it's place. it was a sweet ride my friends. these days, i mainly work for my band and continue to learn and write music and songs. beautiful songs. it is my dream for you to all be able to hear this stuff in the somewhat near future. i will do my best to achieve these dreams. until then, call me and i'll play you one. and oh yes, i also give guitar/trumpet/piano lessons. email me (link at the bottom of this very page) if interested. good day to you all. live happily.

[5/26/2003 1:27 am]
it's been a while my friends. i have been very busy with various musical projects and school functions. i had my first choir concert this month, and also the first public performance of one of my compositions. both went well, maybe i'll post a snippet of the recording here when i get my hands on it. the fictions have been at somewhat of a standstill, which will end soon. we plan to record in june and end up with a brand new demo for your ears. also steve and i practiced with an actual drummer and sounded pretty darn sweet. hopefully this will be the summer of rock. well, hope you are all well and hope to have some news for you shortly. it's finals week this week and i shall die. i'm gonna go play some super nintendo now.

[4/13/2003 1:38 am]
hmm.. no updates for a while. too busy lately. the fictions are playing UC IRVINE this tuesday the 15th from 12-1 in the quad in front of the student center. and we also invade KUCI airwaves the 19th (sat). our new songs are pretty sweet and we hope y'all dig em. i really am just updating because i haven't updated in a while. my brand new braces are killing me and i've given up solid foods. and smiling.

[03/20/2003 1:52 am]
picture page updated. link below.

[03/19/2003 10:36 am]
holy crap! over 1000 hits? thanks for humoring me everyone. i love you, even if you don't love me back.

[03/17/2003 10:42 am]
whoa so, lots of crap going on. our website has just launched sorta (it's not fully up yet) so you should go check it out! we've got a cool hub show in fullerton this sat (march 22). more info at the show page. our music video is being edited and we're going to be on kapu radio today from 3-4. this is all for the fictions that is. my other band actually practiced with a drummer recently. and i don't think he's gonna cut it. i feel bad because he's a real swell guy and likes the music a lot. maybe we'll see if he can pull it off. but we did end up sounding swell at some key moments. i can't wait. i just scanned tons of pictures, so you'll maybe see them real soon. ok, take care everyone. happy st. patrick's.

[02/19/2003 10:41 am]
-shows page updated. way too many shows coming up. come to all of them!

[02/09/2003 03:04 am]
-started school this week. i'll update the school page later. i'm taking interesting courses this term and i know you'll love to hear about them. the fictions might play a few radio shows and college shows. so keep an eye out. we have a few shows coming up too. check the shows page now and then. and oh yeah, our site will be up sometime in the future, and the peasants shall rejoice. i've got a lot of pictures scanned from various sources, those up in due time. maybe even some of me at the melee show. steve and i are still rocking softly. hopefully a show in the summer? 2004? cross your fingers. stay warm for just a bit more, spring's around the corner.

-picture book! (updated 3/20)
-school (fall 2002 semester now up!)
-past 'dotes

-latest hobbies: the kinks, the critic and the fictions...


i recommend:
back from the dead
it's all a mystery..
i remember MY first date...
go ahead, just try and beat the geeks...
what you crave!
the original marshmallow sandwich
if you or someone you know is depressed
don't click on this
destination ursa major
rilo kiley
i should have known better
CD OUT NOW!BR> you have left a fingerprint on me...
ooh, imperia
wait a minute doc...


good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!

speak to me someone