Chad & Nelly's Home Page
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Welcome to our homepage.  Here you will find a pictures of our wedding, chad as a little boy and some pictures we have taken around Asia (currently we have only a story and picture of climbing Mt. Fuji.)  We have added fun pix from a trip we took up to the Great Barrier Reef with our friends Fran and Keith Anderton.  Our brother's friend, Flat Stanley, came to visit--we had some excellent adventures!  Check out this picture of my favorite French Boy, Baby Ben Kennedy (and my buddy David.  We love to travel and learn about the people and cultures of Asia.  If you have any interesting stories, or pictures about your life or visit to this part of the world.  Send us an e-mail and we will post them here.  Traveling?  Nelly is creating new art all the time, for an example check out Nelly'sArt Check out our currency converter.  We have arrived in Chicago and purchased a Robert Spencer Prarie Home.   We are really excited about it, but want be moving in until July, until then, take a look at these pictures:  Bedrooms and Playroom, Family Room and Breakfeast Room, Living Room and Dining Room, Entry Way and Porch, and Front of House.
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