To love someone is to stay close enough to touch...... yet keep enough space between each other to grow......
Well what can I say this page is old as crap.... my very first page.. doesn't look like I'll be updating it much.. Here's my new page! This link may not work so just look for my Name on AsianAvenue "AznSkylineGTR"

~~~~~~~"LOVE"~~~~~~`s a lot like taking the bus... U wake up bright and early to take the bus, as U stand out in the sun U see the first bus come, but U see that it`s old and rusty, so U decide not to get on because it`s ugly, the next bus comes and U see that the bus is packed, so U decide not to get on cause U don`t want to fight off other people for a seat, the next bus comes and U see that`s there`s no air conditioning, so U decide not to get on because it`s so hot and U don`t and to sufficate to death on the bus, now that U`ve waited so long UR begining to get tired, it`s getting dark.... then out of the dark comes a bus, U don`t care what comes because U`ve been waiting so long so U jump at the chance to get on, after getting on the bus U realize that the bus is going in the wrong direction, but U don`t want to get off, because U`ve already paid bus fare, and UR not really sure when the next bus is coming, so U decide to stay on...... so... UR never really going anywhere....
~ RemembeR ~
....good things come to those
who wait. When those things
come your way, take hold of
it all with both your hands
and never let it go......
.....The first time i saw you. I was scared to meet you. The first time i met you,I was scared to kiss you. The first time i kissed you,I was scared to love you. Now that i love you,I`m scared to lose you.....
~~Touch my mind and i will think of you,touch my heart and i will never forget you.....
~~Never whisper words of love if the feeling is not true... never share your feelings if you mean to break a heart... never look into my eyes if all you do is lie... never say hello if you really mean goodbye.....
~~People walk in and out of your life everyday, but only true friends leave their footprints in your heart.....
~~Don`t frown cause you`ll never know whos falling in love with your smile.....
~~It takes 3 seconds to say I love you...3 minutes to explain it... 3 hours to demonstrate it... 3 days to appreciate it... 3 trimesters to produce it... but a lifetime to prove it.....
~~Don`t miss a day in your Life.
Find ways to make EACH DAY
matter - to you, to another,
to the world.
~~That you can`t make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved
~~It takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it
~~That its not what you have in your life that counts, but who you have in your life that counts
~~That you can keep on goin long after you can`t
~~That your family won`t always be there for you. It may seem funny but people you aren`t related to you can take care of you and love you,and teach you to trust people again. Families aren`t biological