This is the theme song for the Japanese Sailor Moon movies! *^_^*


Queen Serenity's Moon Palace

Hi and welcome to my palace!!

Hi I'm Queen Serenity.

Hello to all you moonies out there! I really hope you enjoy my site~~I am making changes every day so keep coming back! I absolutely adore Sailor Moon and I have begun to create my "Palace" for her and the rest of the Sailor Scouts. If you have any suggestions you can E-mail me at (the link at the bottom of the page will work). Please come back soon and visit me; hopefully I will have more for you to look at! ^_^

These pages are still under construction but I'm working on it!

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Free Sailor Moon Greeting Cards!!

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AAA Matilda United States

A good way to search the web!!

Lycentia's Sm Web Graphics Shop
This is a really great Sailor Moon Graphic's Site! It helped me create this page and others.

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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon are © Naoko Takeuchi, and it's distributors. All Right Reserved.

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