Brian's Page O' Random Stuff
A Wish Come True | Possibilities | Hosted Fanfiction | Recommend Reading
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Updates every Saturday
Saturday, April 15th, 2006: More stuff added to Sins of the Fathers.
Saturday, April 1st, 2006: I spent most of this week in and out of a doctor's office due to heart problems, so I haven't had time to really write anything. However, there's a rough draft of the new webpage for A Wish Come True up and running. Eventually it will have a nice title image to go along with the rest of the fic. It's embarassing to have to write this after posting my goal of 5000 words a week last Saturday, but it couldn't be helped.
Ranma 1/2
Take one teenage martial artist with a Jusenkyo curse. Add four fiancees and countless enemies. Mix well, and you've got Ranma Nibun no ichi, the tale of a boy who turns into a girl, a girl who turns into a cat, a boy who turns in a duck, a man who turns into a panda, and so on and so on.
A Wish Come True is the tale of a girl lost and alone in a world that's entirely different from the one she knows. Akane Tendo must learn, and learn quickly, that things said in anger can change a relationship for good, and saying you're sorry can't fix everything. If she doesn't, she might lose more than just Ranma.
Ranma's kids from the future show up, each of them with a different mother. This finally gives Ranma a chance to look at things objectively, by finding out just what things will be like depending on who he marries. There will be an interlude between each tale, which will describe events occurring in the 'present' and maybe the future... I haven't decided yet.
A short and simple piece focusing on Ryoga.
Single Part Fics
The following are pieces of fanfiction that are only one chapter in length.
Sins of the Fathers: Genma and Soun's "Operation: Instant Matrimony" is their first and last successful ploy to get Ranma and Akane to admit their feelings for each other. Now they just have to deal with the consequences of two young martial artists in love.
I also have a page which includes Recommended Reading for fans of Ranma fanfiction.
Hosted Fanfiction: On this page I include fics that I couldn't find elsewhere on the net, but still think people should read.
Links to Other places on the Web
The Penultimate Ranma Fanfiction Index - You won't find every Ranma fanfic ever written here, but you'll find a ton of them. - The primary repository of fanfiction on the internet
The Church of Ranma and Nabiki - For fans of that particular couple
The Church of Ranma and Kasumi - For fans of that particular couple
The Second Church of Ranma and Kasumi - For even more fans of that particular couple
The Church of Time and Chaos - Dedicated to pairing Ranma with Setsuna (Sailor Pluto) of all people.
The Anime Web Turnpike - Where to go if you don't know where to go.
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