Renee-chan's Hearthfire
July 1, 1998 --> September 28, 1999

The first thing you may notice is that this page is now empty. *sighs* I finally got sick of Geocities. They have this weird clause in their membership agreement that basically gives them the legal copyright to anything I upload onto their server. *snorts* Uh-huh. Right. Suuuuuure.

Now, please everyone - don't panic. ^_^ I did not take down/destroy/cremate/give up on/etc. my fic archive. *bright smile* I just moved it! ^_^ *bouncez* Please feel free to visit me at my new addy:; and please update your bookmarks and things. I'm going to try to e-mail anyone who has my stories posted to let them know of the change, but I can't garuntee that I have everyone's addy... >.<

Finally, I'd like to put in a little plug for the great new people who are hosting my page. ^_^ does an excellent business - no pop-up adds, watermarks, etc. They don't ask anything except that you tell your friends about them. ^_^ They give you 15 free MB of space, let you do your own CGI scripting, and lots of other cool stuff. They also have a paid site where you can get your own domain name for $17.95 a month. *grins* I've been told that that's pretty good... *shrugs* So, if any of you out there are looking for a new webhost - please check them out! *grins* Thank you! *feels better now that she's done her good deed for the day*

Please e-mail me with any problems or concerns. Thanks!