Youkoso. Welcome to my site! I hope you find something you're looking for.

Sah, Oagari Kudasai, uchi e. (Please come into my home!)

PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE SENDING ME AN E-MAIL ASKING ME QUESTIONS LIKE "HOW DO I REQUEST?" The rules are up for your benefit and information so PLEASE read them.

Requests: closed for good
Trades: open (to an extent, e-mail me)

News and Titles taken off my list:

-August 21, 2003

I'm back. It's been over a year since I updated this site but I guess it's now or never right? Anyway, there's a bit of a change. I'm still not open for requests really but I have a lot more time on my hands now, so maybe limited requests. It's not like it used to be though. I'm more'n likely gonna be overlooked by all the digisubbers since it's a lot faster than sending tapes through the mail, but what the hell. I'm more interested in trading with people that have things that ARE NOT LICENSED. So, if you do e-mail me, make sure there's nothing licensed on your trade listing. I'll do my best to look through my list and see what is and what's not licensed.


-Red Photon Zillion TV 1-31- Now this is where the change comes in. I have a Laserdisc player finally and I have all 8 volumes of Zillion and I'm willing to make copies of it if people so desire. The same with the other stuff I have on LD which I'll list up here. I'm not 100% certain I know how to tape Laserdic to VHS but, my friend says he knows how so we'll see. Now on to the other stuff.

-Warring States Machine Goshogun TV 1-26 & Movie

-Invincible Super Man Zambot 3 TV 1-23

-Galaxy Cyclone Braiger TV 1-39

-Dream Dimension Hunter Fandora OVA 1-3

-Sci-Fi New Century Lensman (Japanese version)

-Sonic Soldier Borgman 2nd: New Century 2058 OVA 1-3

All of these are Laserdisc titles that I've acquired. They will be added to the list as soon as possible. A reminder, that all are in straight Japanese. No subtitles. Until next time! See you Space Cowboy!

-January 7, 2004. It's been a while again since I've updated anything. I've not really had much time due to college and work and just plain lack of interest. I've grown a might disgruntled with anime fans nowadays in general. First off, I can't stand the snot nosed little punk ass kids that are really getting into anime nowadays. They don't have the appreciation for the art form that anime once was. Now, to me it's becoming really over-commercialized with crap like Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh and any other number of clones of those types of shows. Anime, again to me, has become stale and really just an excuse to show off flashy CG animation and Tenchi style character designs. There are no more serious looking, seriously told anime. Gone are the days of "Cel" animation. No more hand-drawn stuff. It's a shame because awesome stuff from the 70's, 80's and now the early 90's is being shunned in favor of junky looking CGI. I really miss the days of the really dynamic style of 80's. Dramatic camera angles, fast paced animation. The 80's AIC/Ashi Productions/Kaname Productions styles of animation are really awesome. Stuff like Dangaio, Ledeus, Cosmos Pink Shock, Mega Zone 23, Dancougar, Zeorymer...all those were great titles. It's really too bad that all those guys on Anime On DVD and Anime News Network are so damn blind to what's good and what's not. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of titles from 1998 on up that I do enjoy. I just happen to like the 70's through the early 90's styles of animation better. AIC was at it's peak in the 80's and the Early 90's and now they have nothing better to do than make Tenchi clone after Tenchi clone. Their character design style is crap now.

It's really disheartening to see someone go as far as say that your favorite anime is crap. Anime News Network went that far with Saint Seiya. It's cool that the reviewer, who also did the Answerman column, has his opinion which of course he's entitled to...but I'm also entitled to say that his review was shit and he's a jerk in his column. He asks people to e-mail him questions and when they do, he acts like an ass answering them. People aren't asking for your fucking personal opinion, they just want an answer to their question without all of the stupid commentary. Hell, I've written in twice and I've only ever gotten an answer once and of course, because he didn't like the anime I was inquiring about, he gave me a bunch of attitude about it. The other time I wrote in asking a serious question, I got ignored. Obviously he's childish if he can't take a serious question and answer it in a serious manner. But, he has his stupid little commentary and he can keep on thinking he's funny. To me, he's an idiot along with most of anime fandom today. I wish I had the chance to speak with some of the original guys out there that do enjoy the old stuff as well as the new. But, I have a feeling that I probably never will.

That's exactly why I specialize in mostly older titles on my site. Because I want to share with all of those who don't know, but want to and those that do know what's good in anime. There are people out there who haven't heard of Captain Harlock...or if they do, they sneer and say "Oh my god..that's old"...Ok, SO THE FUCK WHAT??? That's what I have to say. So what. Who cares...what the hell does old have to do with anything? What? The only good stories being told are new ones??? People don't know what they're's not just about looks up your tiny little minds and see that beauty is only skin deep. So what if the animation isn't up to your fucked up standards. So what if you don't like the character design style. The only reason anything made before 1998 doesn't stand up to stuff made in the last 6 years is because people are all about the look of everything. People are vain and in our fast paced society of lightning fast computers, people are growing impatient with things that don't look as good as they supposedly should. Sure, technology advances but that doesn't make what came before a bad thing. Take this new Battlestar Galactic TV mini-series that aired on Sci-fi on the the 8th of last month. The people who created this new one didn't give a rats ass about the original and only took the characters, the ships and the setting and made a newfangled P.O.S. (piece of shit for those not in the know). If they'd taken the time to study the original and do an updated version of it without trying to put all this stupid sex and all this damn arguing and junk in it, then there wouldn't have been a problem. But, it's people's lack of respecting older materials that brought this about. Study the past, learn from it but don't shun it. It has a right to exist as well, and sure people have a right not to like something but let's hope it's for a deeper reason than because "the special effects suck" or "the animation's too old" or even "the character designs aren't my cup of tea"...You're all so caught up on what everything looks like that you can't tell a good story if it bit you in the ass. Well, that's been my editorial. I've got some new stuff to put on the list and it will be up shortly. Sorry to anyone who doesn't want to read all of this and thanks to anyone who does read it and maybe even see my point of view. Even if you don't, that's ok. Send me a counter argument and we'll go 'round. 'Til then...Laterz!

Here's My Fansub List

Here are the rules for requesting and other important information

Black Listed People- People who I never recieved tapes from or people that have been rude to me.
Oleg Mironov - Hasn't contacted me about our trade in over 8 months, never sent the tapes I traded him for. No response to any of my e-mails. If anyone has any info on him please tell me about him. Here's his info:


I'll post his home address once I find it.

ArshesNei X- Yet another person who decided to rip me off. Also,never recieved trade from him.
Mike Wasil- Contacted me repeatedly and told me he'd be sending my tapes but never sent them. I've tried multiple times to contact him with no response.
I hate it when people rip me off and I'm tired of being ripped off so if anyone has any info on these two people, please tell me!

Tapes For Sale- All are store bought copies and English Dubbed unless otherwise noted
Neon Genesis Evangelion Vols.4,7,+11- $10 ea.
The Slayers Vol.6 (TV eps 18-20)- $10 ea.
Space Warriors: Battle For Earth Station S/1- $5 (no cover)

Want List
Heaven Wars Shurato TV 13-end
Don't Lose Makendo OVA 2
Flame of Recca TV 21-end
Mazinger Z TV 9-end
Super Electro Magnetic Machine Voltes 5 TV 6-40 (japanese or subtitled, also looking for Voltus 5 english video from Hi-Tops video)
Super Electro Magnetic Robot Combattler V TV 6-54 (Japanese or subtitled)
Wedding Peach TV 5-end
Beast God Liger TV (all)
any cool Sunrise Mecha show's that I don't have
ANY Classic anime at all from Super robots to super heroes....ANYTHING!
anyting else your willing to trade

I want to thank all the people that I have traded with and requested tapes from: Cathy Rampersaud for being so patient with me all this time with her tapes; Mark Pryzbylski for being so damn cool; Jon Hertzog for the awesome Ys I tapes and the Salamander OVA's I'd been looking all over god's creation for; Danielle Dewald for my most treasured Samurai Troopers tapes; Stacey Marusa for the INCREDIBLE Ys II OVA 1-4 tape; Eddie Chan for the kick ass Transformers tapes (Thanks Eddie!! They rule!!); Ritchie Le for doing the awesome title art of this page for me; Peter Dixon at Black Nebula Video for really making a monster out of me with Change! Shin Getter Robo (Thanks Pete!!); Chris Chamberlain at SDX games and his fiancee Jessica Randall for the Transformers Movie in Japanese and for just being really cool to me; Rosado Anime; Henshin Video Heroes for hooking me up with some tite ass classic anime; Ctenosaur Video for the bitchin' Combattler V, Voltes 5, Saint Seiya, Grendizer, Getter Robo G and Mazinger Z tapes I've ordered; Josh Lander for really getting me into Saint Seiya; James Walters for...well...just being James; Jimmy Vo for the great DBZ tape; Capsule Corp. for Dragon Warrior 1-13; Kodocha Anime for the at least 10 tapes I have from them; SilverWynd Productions for basically starting me into Fansubs with Rayearth, DBZ, Slam Dunk, Rurouni Kenshin and Toh Shin Den; Reiko Kaos for the really awesome Samurai Troopers OVA's; Kareem S. Gray for being so cool; Anime Cottage; Verge's Anime for creating a monster out of me with Variable Geo; Ditchdigger; Daemoness for being an awesome trading buddy (Thanks Becky-chan!); Artic Animation for my beloved Borgman Tapes; Himechan; PongX2; My buddies Sak Khim & Meta Sak and many others. Thanks Everyone! Thanks for helping me to get started! Also, I want to thank all the people that have my link on their site: Pinoitto Anime, Will Shaffer's Renovation Fanpage(Thanks Will!); Micaila Taylor's Gateway to Castle Vanity (Thanks Micaila-san! You'll be forever missed!!); Anime Web Turnpike, Manga Seeker, and Pat Delozier and Company's Wonderful World of Anime. Thanks you guys!

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