India's Distinct Identity
What makes India so unique? Is it the culture, the people, the heritage, the history?
Natya Shastra
Written by Sage Bharatha, it is the basis of all Indian dance forms
Music of India
The Indian System of music, musical instruments and the Raga style
The Trimurthi - the three Hindu Gods of the Universe
Brahma - the creator, Vishnu - the preserver, and Shiva - the destroyer
Indian Epics
The great mythologies - Ramayan and Mahabharath, passed down through generations of time
The Guru and the Sishya
The ancient system of education in India - the essence of Gurukul
Bhasha - Languages of India
The Indo Aryan and Dravidian family of languages. The glory of the 1600 spoken dialects
Indian Weddings
The sacred occasion where couples are solemnized as man and wife; the excitement and enthusiam with which family and friends gather to celebrate

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