Hello! And welcome to my Sailor Moon Page!!!!! Yahoo! I just started on this page so there isn't really much but pictures right now! But it'll grow soon!
Click me to Find out what Scout you are and to adopt her!
Click me to go learn about the Outer Scouts!
Click me to go to Sailor Jupiter's Shrine!
Click me to go to the Sailor Scout Midis page!
Click me to go to The Scout Profile Information Center [S.P.I.C]
Sailor Moon!
Sailor Mercury!
Sailor Mars!
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus
My favorite sailor: Sailor Jupiter!
Thanks for coming! I'll have more later!
Attention! You may be listening to some background music. Right now it is playing the English Theme of Sailor Moon. I will be changing it every so often from English to Japanese. Thank you.

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