CCIS Summer Institute, June 19 - June 23, 2006

It was a great pleasure to meet all of you at the 2006 CCIS Summer Institute. I uploaded photos I took to share; I regret that I don't have everyone. The size of photos is reduced for easier viewing. If you would like to have larger photos, contact me at ryokobe at -- Aloha, Ryoko


Campus Tour

(LtoR) Rebecca, Els, Alexandra, Gaku

Dinner at Great Hall

(LtoR) Alexandra, Lucie, Cathy, Neil, Maryam and Michele (LtoR) Els, Michael, Masayo, Michelin and Steve
(LtoR) Sandra, Milena, Sarah and Christina (LtoR)Cecilia, Jody, Kristel, Alpha and Gina

At a Bar

(LtoR) Tomas, Gaku and Michele  (LtoR) Michael and Steve