as of April 05th, 2000

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Gundam Wing related topics!

Other Topics!

Scrap Book (a select few of the boys...)
ME!! ME!! ME!!
The Meaning of GWing
Page Updates
Fan Fictions (all stories are NON-YAOI)
Sign my Guestbook!
MS Doujinshi (yes! In English!)
View Guestbook 1! View Guestbook2!

NEW! Terra's Music Box a link to some of the greatest anime music! ^^

June 2000, my EYES ON ME site will be up!!!
To my lil' friend, Laura.... you rule girl!!

FYI: souls have stumbled upon this tiny corner since August 08th, 1999.

This page is strictly for viewer entertainment. I don't profit from this,
(rather I lose sleep and neglect the people around me...) so there's no copyright
or anything. If there's something on this page that you like and/or wish to use,
however, kindly mail me! ( Give credit where it's due, hey?
And of course... I accept all sorts of comments, criticisms and corrections.
So you can tell me straight in the... screen...what you think of my page. ^.^ Arigatoo!

Also, the original characters from the Gundam Wing series rightfully belongs to
Sunrise and Sotsou Agency, but please don't sue me!!! I'm only a crazed fan!! >_<
Merci Beaucoup!!
^_~ Terra

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