J's Collection...






Sneak Preview


 For Sale





18/07/2003: Long time no see.. has been a month since my last updated. Anyway check out Sneak Preview 009 la~ enjoy! Been walking into camera store lately, I think I be getting the Nikon Coolpix 4300.. what do you guys think? How much is it in HK ar? 

18/06/2003: Sneak Preview 007!... Sneak Preview 008?...

18/06/2003: Finally... I present Sneak Preview 006, enjoy! More Sneak Previews are on their way~ Stay Tuned! 

16/06/2003: Long time no see! Anyway I still haven't finish my SP006... but it's coming. Also if you have time, check out my eBay auctions at here. I am getting closer and closer to get myself a good camera~ 

10/06/2003: Plus, special thanks to ToysHunter for posting my page over at Toyhero.net. Thanks a lot man! ToyHero.net all the way!!

J's BS...

Firstly, this page is just a testing, so eventually I will either make a better one or I will just give up... 

Since I am not a computer genius and I never paid attention during comp-sci class, I have no idea how to make a web page for my collection... But I will try to learn more, and hopefully, I can make a more decent web page in the future. For now, bear with this dump.

Also please excuse my poor use of english... well my chinese isn't any better, so bear with my "canto-nglish" for now until I figure out how to type chinese.

This place basically has 2 parts.

1. Pictures of my collection.

2. My stuff that are for sale.

I am selling part of my stuff to get a decent camera... so help me out here. If you see something in my collection and you want it, lemme know, maybe I can help you find it.

Anyway I hope you enjoy your visit.



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