This site is Copyright © 1998-2003 by Ryuukishi Kain and others and/or their offical copyright holders. This site was designed under a 800 x 600 resolution.


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If there is anything wrong with the site please do not hesistate to go to "FIX IT" tell me about it.

For August 01, 2003 :

Oops, me bad. I keep forgetting to update the update page when I upload new stuff to this site. I was bored late July so I decided to make the RPG site look a little more presentable. I drew an even better Rosa pic and discarded the old one. Since I have not touched Photoshop in a long time, I forgot how to use the program! Oh my! My brain is breaking down. So anyway I used the new Rosa sketch to practice using the program. Unless someone submits new art for the front of the DD group , she's still there for viewing pleasure. I am working on another Rydia pic (she's my fave FF girl by far) and I hope I colour that one better. I checked out recently and noticed more FF4 fanfiction! Yippie! More people are writing about FF4 and best of all, a lot of them are about Cain/Kain. Ha ha ha ha! Maybe they might let me put up their fics sometime soon.... Also, does anyone have a .wav file of the sound effect used when you point the hand cursor in FF4 or FF6? If you do have that file, or know where I can get it, send it to me please! All the fanfiction links are active except the one to the fanfiction which I have written since I am re-writing it.

For June 30, 2003 :

Got the new Harry Potter book the day it was officially released to the public. Took 5 hours to read. Rats, she killed my favourite character. RPG Info site has been updated.

For April 23, 2003 :

Pics I mentioned before are now definitely up. Ha ha, I am so spacy. Yea! done Exams and now waiting for school to start again in a couple of weeks. I will be paying more attention to the DD's online fanfic club during this time as well. I've been saving up to buy the new Star Ocean OSTs. I hope to have them soon. Hopefully SO3 will be as good as SO2. I really wish Nintendo brought over Blue Sphere to NA shores.... oh well. With the release of the new Zelda game, I find myself lost in the timeline schedule even more so than before O_o ack...Working on a Rosa pic. I actually like it so far. For some reason, everytime I try to draw Rosa from FF4 it never turns out the way I want it or I am horribly dissatisfied with it. I hope to have it done this weekend. Still getting used to drawing with a pen instead of mouse....
Back from a business conference in Washington D.C. about USA extending permenant NTR statuses to countries with horrific human rights records. There of course are arguments that buying from these countries will promote change but with precedants like Vietnam, it makes you wonder some people's ethics. Oh and to those of you who asked me to send you guys snail mail while I was there should be getting your pretty metallic postcards in the mail soon I hope! These postcards are really cool! I definitely got a travel bug. Too bad the Hotel I stayed at was overpriced due to the fact of it being in a popular place and all. Pics are uploaded in my personal website. Oh it's so good to be in Canada again!

For March 31 2003 :

Looking at HTML gets tedious late at night. Why don't I update earlier in the day? ^_^ Because I am usually on assignment or at school. School matters take too much of my time it seems. I can't wait to graduate. Anyway enough with that stuff. I have been restructuring the DD again little by little. Got rid of the frame and just using tables now. Also I got a new tablet and trying to get used to drawing with it instead of a mouse. 1 new link in the link section and 2 new art coloured by me should be up soon if not now. I am also working on the fanfiction section so the fanfic links are non functional right now.

For March 01 2003 :

Yippie! I am yet another year older. Is that a good thing or bad? Anyway, new DD layout. About time I seriously updated this place eh? The last recorded update was about a year ago. >_> Time really does fly! You probably know the usual excuses - school and work/volunteering. Oh well. I am still looking for FFIV material so hopefully I can get some new stuff in soon. I am actually drawing again which I find surprising. I haven't done any post worthy pics in a long time.