LAST UPDATED : 1999/07/10

Sammi's new mandarin album " I deserved " has released!!! Two new MTVs have released as well, they are absence and over the border!!! All of them are really really good!!! All Sammi fans, go go, check them out!!! ^v^

Sammi出左新碟呀叫我應該得到呀!!! MTV 就有缺席同埋出界呀!!! 你可以見到Sammi D黑妹 Look O架 !!

? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)PROFILE
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)ALBUMS
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)MOVIES
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)AWARDS
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)NEWS
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)LYRICS
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)LINKS
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)MIDI
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)A FORUM
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)SAMMI STAR SHOW
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)FREE SAMMI'S E-CARD
? stbt3.gif (816 bytes)THE GIRL BEHIND THIS HOMEPAGE

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