Sailor Terra
Gif Library
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  Visitors since October '98
Hey everyone, I'm Rachel, but you might know me as Sailor Terra, defender of Earth... yada-yada-yada... you know the drill.
You can learn more about me By going to the Sailor Terra section of my page.

Anyway, my image gallery (which is my main concern right now) is dedicated almost exclusively to transparent gifs.

Right now I only have pics of the Inners, my faves, but I'm working on a few of Neptune and ChibiMoon. I personally work on each picture, so it will take a little while before I get to senshi profiles an' stuff, so ya might want to visit a few VERY cool sites I've found by going to the links section.

Thanks to new software that I recently got, I can now make animated gifs, and was thinking about transparenting some of those, except for one small prob, the under-abundance of "clean" animated gifs on the web. If you can help me out, please e-mail me at:

To see the difference between a "clean" picture and a "dirty" one, click here.

Thanks! ^_^
Sailor Terra

Listed in the GeoCities SailorMoon Link Project