The Moon  Maniacs!!!

Hey Moonies (Sailor Moon Fans), Let me know what you think of my page, in my guest book please, and go check out the chat. If there isn't any one in the chat room, that's because no one has told any one about it. Tell people, talk to people, have fun. Sailor Mist


Sailormoon/R/S/SS/Sailor Stars and all its  characters are the sole creation of Naoko Takeuchi ©1992. All  contents in this webpage relating to the original Sailormoon anime/manga has  been published without the consent of the creator. Unless otherwise specified,  everything else including original Moon Maniacs creations and pages belong to my  mom, © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Flair.  Contact me via e-mail if you have any questions.