One day, as you are walking towards your home after school you notice that the sky is rapidly becoming very dark and dense. As you look towards the sky you can hear the roaring thunder and see the crashing lighting. All of a sudden a large vortex opens in the sky. The whirpool like storm started to head in your direction. As the storm grows closer to you, you can feel it trying to pull you up into it. Running for your life, you try to hide from it, but it's like it knows your every move and with every step you take the closer and stronger the storm becomes. Suddenly a powerful gust of wind picks you up off your feet and throws you into the spinning cloud of darkness. As you pass through the cloud you feel your body being pulled from every direction.

After what seems like an eternity in that cloud of torture, you land on what seems to be a hard marble floor. After inspecting and checking yourself for any injuries you stand and decide to search for a way out of this strange place. Walking for what seems like hours you come upon a lot of heavy fog. So heavy you can hardly see ten feet ahead of you. As you pass through what seems to be a large room you see a tall shadowy figure about thirty feet in front of you. Soon the figure starts to come toward you. You can hear the figure's footsteps as it draws ever so close to you.

Suddenly out of the fog a tall, slinder, woman appears. She has long dark green hair, a beautiful garnet staff and a tan complection. She also is wearing knee-high boots that are almost the color of midnight, and a sailor suit with a skirt. The skirt and collar being the same color as the boots, the bodysuit and gloves being white, and the bow in front and back of the suit a dark red. After she inspects you and realizes you mean no harm she introduces herself to you.

"I am the solitary gaurdian of time and space, Sailor Pluto. Who are you and how did you get here? Only those with a time key can access this dimension and you do not possess one of those keys. Answer me." A little frighted you then explain about the massive storm and how it picked you up and brought you to this strange place.

After telling your story to the gaurdian of time and space, she turns to you and gives you a beautiful silver key. "This key will help guide you through the 'Door of Time'. Untill this storm passes I am afraid I cannot send you back to your home world. You must go through this door and on the other side you will find yourself in a world similar to your own. You see, you cannot stay here with me. It would be too dangerous. But don't worry, I have friends on that world. I will send you to their town. Once there, locate a girl named Serena Tsukino, and tell her of your situation and everything that has happened. If you cannot find her search for Darien Shields. He knows Serena and the rest of my friends there. Tell him your situation as well. I know he and Serena will help you. When the storm has passed I will contact Darien or Serena and they will instruct you on where to go and how to use the time key. Good journey and farewell for now." As she turns toward the huge door you can't help but notice her bravery and kindness illuminating from her heart and soul.

"Door of Time, I, Sailor Pluto, gaurdian of time and space, command you to open and let this person pass through your doorway into the 'Moonlight Realm'!" As the door creaks open, you turn and thank Sailor Pluto for her kindness. Walking toward the pure white light you feel calm and relaxed, a total opposite you felt coming to this strange place. Now you were on your way to meet new friends and to see new places most people only dream of. You are on your way to the "Moonlight Realm"!!

You may enter the Moonlight Realm by clicking here.

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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon are © Naoko Takeuchi, Bandai, Kodansha, Toei Animation, etc. This website is created by Brenna.
The main page design was created by Lycentia.