I am Ayanami Rei.
This is my first web page, so please let me know what you think. The pictures will not be here until I decide which ones to use. If you see any errors, (bad links, typos, etc.) PLEASE let me know. I HATE problems!

Rei's Philosophy

My Sailor Moon Music Page

The Yellow Rose of Texas

Commander Greven il-Vec

My Favorite E-Mails

Sasami Picture Gallery

Music Box

Your NOT So Good Horoscope

This is my ~Angel Me~ self

To get one of your own
Click HERE!

Runlay and the Goddess Blossom from the TV show "Monkey Magic"

Click on either of them to go to the official site.

Sorry there's not much here, but these are some of my favorite links.

Sailor Moon

The Best Site!

Star's Sailor Moon Site

Crystal Moon

Silver Moon Palace

Music Page

Lots of SM Lyrics

Other Stuff


Go see David if you have a LOT of time to waste on the web.

David's Page

Mail Me:
