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See I told you that I would fix this page up and now I have proved it. It now really does look like a Sailor Moon page. For the next little while there will be some BIG changes so keep coming back and see for yourself that it is worthwhile. If you have any pictures or links that you would like to add, please feel free to e-mail me them here. and I will gladly put them up. Thanks.
*Also note that none of these pictures are mine and I don't claim any credit for them. I would credit the sites where I found them but there are many sites that say that they are the owners of the pictures. I find it easier to say "They're not mine!"

The following Galleries have a lot of pictures in them. For your viewing pleasures, most of the pictures have been linked. This way, you don't have to wait a long time for the page to appear.

The Picture Galleries
The Good Characters Pictures
The Evil Characters Pictures
The Angels of Sailor Moon
Special Characters Pictures-Not Sailor Moon
Warning, the Special Characters page will not have links, that way you can see all of the characters. It may take a while to see them all.

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Help. I'm not quite sure where to put this picture. Can you guys help me? E-mail me here with your answers. Please help me.

I would like to thank for the pictures on their web site.
I would also like to thank Cool Text for the creation of my banners.

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