
You can keep up with my life too via photos on flickr : www.flickr.com/photos/cyshas/
Obviously I've given up updating this site. But if you are intersted in news about me you can keep up with me on my blog at : cyshas.blogspot.com9/02/03
Finally updates! I got photos on a CD, so I decided to put them up. Check out Sedona pics from my visit back to AZ. Click on the "Bio & Pics" button on the left, and scroll down to the bottom of the page for the link. I may update my resume. Well at this rate, I'll just say, 'til next year.
Hey It's almost been a year since I've updated this page. Well don't get
your hopes up. I'm too cheap to get a digital camera or a scanner, and
since i graduated from college I don't have access to one. So hmmmm...I
doubt you'll see any new pictures soon.
News? I moved to Raleigh, North Carolina in July. I do nothing but work
for IBM in my accounting job, watch anime, play with Smokey, my new dog,
eat, and sleep. Pretty much the ideal life, but we all know, I'll probably
have to start studying again for the GMAT, CPA, or something.
Well I'll update the dog page, since I have this little picture of Smokey.
Yeah I got a new dog, Smokey Joe. I didn't name him...it sounds like
a beef jerky brand to me. *_* But he's cute. I
don't know if he's out of shape or old, but I think I can actually run
faster than him! Makes me feel like I'm in shape. It's a good
thing I didn't get that greyhound.. But then again... I just
found out I've been feeding his twice as much as he should be eating.
Luckily, he's not a fish...he would have been belly up on day two.
Well, ttyl. /=^.^=\