Welcome to Sammi's Wallstreet!
As the page title says, this homepage is based entirely on Sammi Cheng Sau Man's wallpapers. Sammi Cheng icons and animated cursors are available too! I noticed that even though there are quite a large number of Sammi homepages, only a minority has Sammi Wallpapers. Therefore, I made this 'wallstreet', specially dedicated to my Sammi fans who want to see Sammi the moment they turn on their computer!
I do not have a lot of experience with Adobe Photoshop 4.0, which is the program I am using to create my wallpapers, but I will try my best. If you have any complaints or comments, please do not hesitate to sign my guestbook or send me a mail. I am also always willing to learn better skills of wallpaper making, if you have any tips to share. =)
I hereby hope that you will enjoy your stay here, and shop around for the wallpaper(s) that best suit your computer. These wallpapers are made in 800 x 600 Desktop Resolution. If you would like me to convert a wallpaper to another size, please let me know and I'll get it done as soon as possible! Enjoy!
P.S: This page, I must once again remind, deals 100% with wallpapers related to Sammi Cheng only, therefore it does not include any of her other information like her profile or her music, etc.
My email address is: piaohong@sammifans.com
[This page is made on 14/6/98, last updated on 30/8/98]

Front Page
Sammi's Wallpapers
Andy and Sammi's Wallpapers
Other Wallpapers
The girl behind the wallpapers

Sammi Animations
Webring Logos