Name: The YinHuman (it's not a name, but a title)
Stats (by D&D 3.5) *UPDATES TO COME*
5th level Fighter, 15th Level Cleric, 20th level Mage
Age: 25 going on to old
Height: 6 foot even
Weight: 175 lbs
Ethinic Group: Half-elf, infected Were-fox
Location: Anywhere my feet take me
Weapons: An Enchanted Saber, Dominating Bite attack, Claw Attack, Enchanted Pipe
Supernatural powers: Fox Speed, Gravity Control, Healing Magics
Family: Little Sister=Wind_fairy Brother=Gallis Nephew=Nate N.
Servants: Lady_Gwen, dark_lady
Items: Negative Reflection (artifact level Mirror), Pipe
Allies: Mistress=Lady Quatro
Enemies: To many to count, to weak to mention :p
Comments: Just a wandering half-breed looking for himself
Interests: Advicing others, Understanding the nature of the Darkness that is Yin. Controling my Kitsune side enough to maybe gain the possession supernatural power.
The Half-Elf, whose name is lost to time, was born before his older sister by
an elven Noblewoman who was bitten by a Were-fox in her youth. As he
grew, he found himself dispised by his mother's people, and turned to
darker paths. He was bitten by a Vampiress, and made a thrall, until,
after years of studying Magic and Thaumaturgy he broke the Vampiress'
curse (with alot of help from his sister). Afraid of the darkness
within him, he doned peasents cloaths in an attempt to destory his ego.
It worked, perhaps to well. Upon trying to accert his domaninace once
again, he was badly rebuffed. Now he lengers around the Hentai High
School, where he as made a deal with a Dream Eater. She will teach him
how to regain his power, at the price of his servitude....
Evenutally his vampiric past caught up with him, and he found himself at
a house filled with vampire kind. In a room filled with such negative
energy, Yin's mental stablity started to regress and he mannaged to aquire
two slaves. Now, after his sister's second tail had formed, he's on a quest
to gain more tails.
here are some links of mine!
Gah, stupid Rhyme.
My very Demented Live Journal!