My Art Gallery
My Manga
A Devotion to F.Liszt -- the Grand Shrine
Details on other great Romantic Composers.
Beethoven Shrine
Mozart Page
Graphic Cybercity! |
![]() I have many interests, eg. drawing, anime, music, piano, figure skating, vocal, etc. But here, I will only feature two: anime/manga, (and my art of course), and music (Romantic and classical). This page is quite new, but I've a bunch of pages in good shape already, so look aroound please. There's still lots to come, so please bookmark this site and come back often to check for updates!Here, the manga section includes two of the best mangas ever made: Ouke no Monshou (also known as Daughter of the Nile in Chinese), and Rose of Versailles (Lady Oscar in Europe). Those two mangas are exceptionally well done, and I highly recommend them to you. Ouke no Monshou has really beautifully done images that are worth checking out! So don't be shy, go to my anime page! I have quite a plan for my music page which will include detailed biography with images, manuscipts, the music style, etc. of great composers from the Romantic and classical era! There are also midis, image galleries, famous works' desciptions, my own notes on some pieces I play and more! So go check it out! It's not as filled as the other pages yet, but going to be good soon! Worth mentioning here is my grand shrine to Franz Liszt, the best pianist in history, and the most famous person in Europe at his time. I love his music, and his life is a complicate story that many people often misunderstand him. This page is going to include his letters, quotes, relationship, life, music, famous works, midis, images, manuscipts, etc. It's coming as soon as I get my scanner fixed! There is also a shrine to Chopin that I did. Though less spectacular than the soon-to-come Liszt's shrine, this one is also pretty nice. There also pages for the Schumanns -- Robert and Clara, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Verdi, Beethoven, and Mozart, which will come asap! So Please come back often! This page will always be updated!!
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And by the way, I have my online project on Quebec Separation tobe found here:! ICQ:16835725 |