Mr. Ohno's Web Page

Links for my Students

California History-Social Science Framework and Standards

Some encouraging words for my students Huntington Park HS School ESLR's
U.S. History links U.S. History projects Economics Project
Yahoo Finance Stock Project (Econ) Links for Government class
Songs of the 60's All about the 1960's Statistical Resources on the Web
Links on the Vietnam War More on Vietnam

UCSD Recognition Thank you for the honor of being a TEACHER RECOGNITION PROGRAM RECIPIENT.

With every assignment and activity you need to be clear on three questions ...

  1. What am I doing?
  2. Why am I doing it?
  3. How do I know its good enough?

Check out these Sites

News of the Day -Latest News from CNN
Trojan Football - USC rocks!
Today in History -Find out what happened in history on YOUR birthday
Personal Pictures -From past and present
The History Photo of the Week -Extra credit - write a well organized paragraph describing what you see and reflecting how you feel

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