You can't come in yet!! Wait till I say it's ok!
Sailortsukino's Faboo Sailormoon site is undergoing extensive repairs!!  Finally, it will be a site I can be proud of (... I hope)  ^^;  Just hold on to your horses, it'll all be worth the wait, I assure you ^.~
last updated June ??18, 200?3

site (C) Jessica C. Prather 1998-200?3
***Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon, Sailor Moon, and all characters, etc owned and copyrited by a bunch of big powerful people and companies including my personal idol, Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei, DiC, Cloverway, Pioneer, yadda yadda... I'm just a measly fan who doesnt wanna get sued.***
Okay okay okay!! You can take a peek, but it's so messy I'm a bit embarassed  Click here ^^;
grep Sailormoon... go there. ^.~
go to Grep Sailormoon!! ^.~
...and The Compleat Sailormoon CD List ^.~