story of RAAMA sung by saint TULSIDAS'S grants one's desires like Kamadenu (celestial cow) .It is like
Vedas. It is a mine of the
four fold rewards of human beings namely religious merit, prosperity, sensuous
enjoyment and liberation. It is a source of definite delight and
delights the heart by its very presence. It is a bridge for people
who wants to cross the ocean of mundane existence.
Tulsidas's had marvelous faith and
devotion. Raamcharitmaanas of Tulsidas's has charm of devotional spirit. The world
has not yet fully recognized the merits of this incomparable work. This
work is a source of infinite joy and is a gift to the entire
human race. Blessed are those who recite or listen to Maanasa Ramayana of Goswami
Tulsidas's. To know Tulsidas's Ramayana is to
know all that needs to be known. It possesses unique power. This is
the reason why It is sung with love and devotion to this day. It
is true that Tulsidas's has given the highest truths of religion
and philosophy, in a charming, graceful and plain language in such
a way that even an ignorant person could be benefited by It. It
commands great respect from rich and poor alike. Written
Centuries ago, It still retains a freshness and charm almost
unrivalled in the literature of the whole world. There can be no
one who can not be thrilled and inspired by the great events and
noble ideas of the Ramayana. It has done a great service in the
domain of spiritual development.
God realization is the highest goal of human existence and this
can be attained by reciting or listening to Raamcharitmaanas. Surrender
to lord is the best means of attaining salvation. Vibhishana is a
typical example of such surrender. Millions of devotees have drunk
from IT TO FILL THEIR HEARTS with nectar of JNANA, BHAKTHI, and VAIRAGYA; and till the end of this creation many more will
continue to derive unique joy and solace from this Maanasa. Hence
blessed are those who recite or listen to this great work of Tulsidas's Raamcharitmaanas.