Welcome to my world

Oookay then. I doubt anyone is wandering onto this page these days, but if you are, let me say that I'm in the process of revamping. I've taken down all the pictures I had up. I figure there's not much point in me putting them up here. After all, Geocities only gives me so much space, and you can all probably all find the pictures in all the same places I did. I've also taken down all of my old stories, as they are nowhere near my current standard. Below, there is a link to an RP I'm apart of, though it's dead at the moment due to many of its participants getting busy with school or losign internet. I'm afraid it has nothing to do with Sailor Moon, but it has a good plot and good players, so if you feel inclined to wander over there and perhaps join, we probably wouldn't mind having you, when we get up and goign again.

Demon Sanctuary

� 1998 flamewarior@yahoo.com