Toaster no Miko's page!!!!
Toaster no miko (thats me)...
My Fan Art...
Nuriko in drag
This was one of my first attempts at Nuriko...
looking a tad more masculine, wearing a green and red suzaku shirt. And pink pants. ^_^
I really like this one.
A black and white Nuriko
(again) This was my first Tasuki without looking, and it shows^_^
in color. Not my best.
tarot card
Tasuki and Hotohori
Olympic FY!
Miaka and Tamahome, in ice danceing. I'm not sure if they are spinning, or if Miaka is falling^_^
Tasuki and Nuriko
Major ep. 33 spoilers in this one.
My first attempt at Chichiri.
I wasn't looking at anything, so I forgot his beads... I was sooooo mad...
My FY Tarot page.
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