Knight Productions

  Hello all!!  Welcome to the newly redesigned webpage for Knight Productions!!

  It's been a long time in coming, but it's finally here!!  So what's new here??  Glad you asked!

    -All the pages will be up and running!!!

    -A longer link list!!

    -All the stories done by Knight Productions, including The Crystal Knight
and Where Does My Heart Beat Now?

    -Information on the universe of Destiny's Path.

    -Revised versions of the Destiny's Path stories.

    -Trailers for some of my other stories (maybe!) 

    So...what are you still doing here??  Use the Index listings on the bottom and start exploring!! 
And, as always, the Management takes no responsibility for injuries sustained while visiting this "studio."


    Dangit, what was that??  Oy, vey, Wasshu's little "experiment" just went up again...
Catty, could you show our guests the elevator while I deal with this...

<walks away, grumbling: Why did I let that psycho set up shop here?>

<Brian is suddenly crushed by a giant SD plushie of Wasshu>

Wasshu: Because I'm the Greatest Scientist In The Universe, that's why!!!!
<maniacal laughter>

Urrgggg...anyway, enjoy the website...has anyone see the asprin?

  Any complaints, praise, or whatever can be sent to:

  Flames will be bounced off an AT-Field and used to
  make a barbaque.

Destiny's Path Destiny's Path Universe  |Links|Miscellaneous

The Front Desk says that persons have wandered by here. Cool. :-)