Sailormoon Quake TC

Last  Updated  :  15/2/98
Whew... finally got the time to update this page.... sorry people but I have been extremely busy with Sailormoon Quake 2. Well people, good news.... all this rushing and so on but I've manage to upload Sailormoon Quake1 prelim 2! This prelim is ment for Deathmatch with very little single player elements (but can still be fun!). Anyway, I've also updated the other pages as well. I've put in new pictures for each senshi. Go check them out. I regret saying that I will not be continuing this Sailormoon Quake 1 project, because the Silver Millieum Clan (formally known as Sailormoon Clan) will switch to the Quake 2 engine. We will be doing Sailormoon Quake 2 instead..... and it's going to rock! The homepage isn't up yet... but you can bet that when it's up I'll put the link to it and also change this page to be for Sailormoon Quake 2.
Oh.... I know that some of you have got problem downloading the prelim.... this is because of geocities and not the prelim. It is in good condition. I'll have it uploaded to one of the more popular FTP sites (mainly Also be sure to be on a look out for my Quake 2 plug-in player model :).... yup... you guess right, it is models of the senshis... and also some other which will be mech type models.
More than  people have visited this page since 18 January 1998
    Welcome all to the official Sailormoon Quake TC homepage.   
Sailormoon is a popular japanese anime. It was first targeted at your girls, however to everyone's surprise, it has gathered fans from all age groups male and female a like. Sailormoon can be considered a magical girl show with normal teenage girls having the ability to transform to Sailor Senshis, with the respective power of their planets. The main charater is Usagi/Serena/Sailormoon. She is one cry baby. She is also destined to be the future Neo Queen of crystal tokyo of the 30th century.
Here's information about each senshi
[Usagi/Sailormoon]       [Ami/Sailormercury]        [Rei/Sailormars]        [Makoto/Sailorjupiter]        [Minako/Sailorvenus]
[Group pictures] *NEW*

  OK finally Sailormoon Quake is going the beta stages and not on the planning board I've just completed one model for one of the Sailor Senshis.... which is Sailormercury. Well It's pretty good if I do say so myself. However here's what you will find in Sailormoon Quake

1.        Can choose all the senshis
2.        Tuxedo Mask/Kamen is included
3.        New models for every senshi and monsters
4.        All new monsters.
5.        All the senshi's attack are included.
6.        OpenGL supported.

and this are things that might be in or out

1.        Automated charatec either in Deathmatch or Co-op play.
2.        Choose the monsters as playable Deathmatch characters.



Pentium 133 Mhz minimum! The models consist of about *700 to 1300* poligons!
16 MB RAM minimum..... recommended 32 MB RAM
20 MB harddisk space should be enough (might change later)
Registered version of Quake 1.01 to 1.06 or Winquake (recommended)
Has support for GLQuake (strongly recommended)

Pentium 166+, no problem with AMD prosessors (it's done in an AMD based computer)
3Dfx based cards....... Stay away from Verite based cards.... they suck.

  And now finally the long awaited Sailormoon prelim release is out..... well there are some bugs in it and errr...... you can only play Sailormercury in this prelim. There isn't anay weapons replacements yet, but there are new monsters and also a new player model. Be careful however as the player model consist of about 650 poligons. A pentium 133 with 32 MB RAM and Voodoo based accelerator is highly recommended. However it will run in Pentium 100 also but it would be slow. Give me feed backs.
   Head over to the download section to get the prelim release
Silver Millieum Clan and Sailormoon Quake2's official homepage!

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