Welcome to Itsuki's Territory

You are the th person to come since May 3, 1998!

Last updated: 2-21-99

Okay, so this isn't really Itsuki's territory. Well, I'm not really Itsuki either, now am I?

Here, you will find stuff about some of my favorite anime and manga. Now click on the one you want to see!

Anime Pic Gallery - all the pics I scanned of other anime/manga I've seen (part at least) or want to see (Not many pics per series):
Ah, My Goddess
Akazukin Cha Cha
Dragon Ball Z
Jigoku Sensei Nube
Nausicaa The Valley of the Wind
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Record of the Lodoss War
Tenchi Muyo

And if you are actually interested, here is my pic with a list of my favorite characters.

Fanstuff -- So far, it's mostly YYH stuff (fanfics & fanart) but if you want me to post any SD, KKO, FY, or RK fanfics or fanart you can send them to me. (There's some Rurouni Kenshin as well, though not much).

Links: (Note: Not sure whether these links still work.)

Anime Web Turnpike-A cool site with lots and lots of links to anime websites

Yu Yu Hakusho!-one of my favorite YYH sites: If you like YYH and if you especially like fanfiction, then this is the place to go!

Appleby-Chan's Yu Yu Hakusho Page - A very cool YYH page with lots and lots of screen caps. *_*

Kyokara Orewa! -one of the few Kyoukara Orewa sites out there =(

Slam Dunk Fan Fiction Corner

Slam Dunk: Fujima Corner

Helena Yan's Home Page - A nice webpage with lots of stuff relating to j-pop and japanese drama =D

BAAD OFFICIAL HOMEPAGE -a page about my second favorite jpop group ^_^ (Are they really my second favorite anymore? I'm not so sure...)

Irazuma Storaiku! Lair of Lantis - my friend's cool MKR page! A shrine dedicated to Lantis, the cephironian version of Aoshi! =D

Lynnea's Home Page -my friend's non-anime/jpop site-- if you like dogs, German Shepherds to be exact, you should go

AzNgUrL415's hOmEpAge - another friend's non-anime/jpop site-- if you want to go to her "unimproved" site, then click here ^_^

joYCE'z homepayge - yet another friend's non-anime/jpop site (She may have taken it down =( )

Don't ask. I don't think you want to know.(Actually I just put it there cuz I thought it was cool but I didn't know what to do with it.)

Sorry if I've used copyrighted material. Just email me and I'll take it down. There's no use suing me because I have no money, okay?

If you have any comments, suggestions, or complaints, then write me at Mitsuhashi_Takashi@Juno.com or Itsukisan@aol.com

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