Hello, welcome to my little spot in the universe. Hmmmm...Let me tell a little about me. I ofcourse love dragonball, see my "Special Thanks" page to see who started me into Dragonball. I know it you know it, my website bites. I don't care because I just got started. First things first Check out my image gallery,well then explore my universe in Capsule Corp. ship.
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Image Gallery
All about me!!!!
Great Links!!!
Special Thanks To......
A Short Character Guide and Summary to DragonBall
A Short Character Guide and Summary to DragonBall-Z
My Mighty Game Gallery
My Mighty Music Gallery


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You have this many DragonBalls
characters, names, images, sounds, and music are trademarks of and copyrighted by
Akira Toriyama/Bird Studio, Shueisha, TOEI Animation,FUJI TV, and Nippon Columbia.
DRAGON BALL and its related series have been licensed in North America to
FUNimation Productions, Viz Communications, Pioneer Entertainment, Bandai of
America, and Saban Entertainment. My intention with the images and files on this
website is not to hurt the holders of the copyrights, but rather to promote the work of
DRAGON BALL across the world, so that in the long run, its popularity may increase. If
I have offended anyone with the use of such files, then I sincerely apologize for my