Anime One-Stop!: Animated GIFs
Welcome Anime One-Stop!: Animated GIFs. If you're looking for a huge online collection... uh, sorry. With over 23.1 MB in animated anime GIFs but neither the time nor the space to upload them all, one GIF will be featured every week (updated Fridays) instead.
This week's GIF: Rinoa Heartilly from FFVIII. Kawaaaaaaiiiiiiiii!!!!!
To save the file, right click on the GIF and select "Save As..."
Next week's GIF: Helloooooo Everyone! I'm back! I can finally upload again.... unfortunately, I'm starting college this Saturday, and I won't have any of my files there, so it could be a while again before I update. Gomenasai!
Anything you want to see? Mail me with requests!
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Last Updated: August 12, 1999!
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