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Music Videos
Round Robins
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 Email Rurouni & Callistachan
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Hiten Mitsurugi Ryuu
Rurouni Kenshin Fan-Fiction Archive
When I first fell in love with Rurouni Kenshin. I spent hours on the Net trying to gather more information about the manga series. I love reading fanfics and was quite disheartened to discover that there were only a handful of RK fanfics out there.
Thus, I started my own RK fan-fiction archive in an attempt to create a home for all the good fanfics I came across. Since then, the amount of RK fanfics written have jumped tremendously.
Due to real life, ie, work and school, we do not have time to maintain this archive anymore. It will just remain up here as an archive but it will not be updated.
If you have a fanfic up here and want us to remove it or want to add parts to your fanfic, feel free to email us.
That aside, when Geocities merged with Yahoo, all our userIDs and passwords got messed up. As such, we're no longer able to access the History and Sword Skills archives to update or correct any mistakes there. We thank everyone who has emailed us from time to time to inform us of all these mistakes or new information. If we do find the time, and that's a mighty big 'if'. We'll transfer those pages over to another website.
All fanfics found here are archived with due permission from the respective writers. Please do not take any of them without consulting the writers.
Yaoi stories
involve guy-guy relationships. If you find them offending, avoid reading them.
~Rurouni ^_^x
- Archiving Guidelines PLEASE READ
- Find out how to get your fics on the archive!
- History Archive
- Find true historical information about the turbulent era wherein which the RK characters lived in. All research is done by Tracy Lim.
- Fanfic Links
- A list of pages that contains Rurouni Kenshin fanfictions.
- Authors
- I've given each author on my archive an individual page. If you want to find out what other RK fanfics an author have written, this is definitely the best place to go.
- LIAC [Live-In-Anime-Characters]
- This section houses Rurouni Kenshin LIAC adventures. Tae thought of this wonderful idea of adopting 'LIACs' to live with you. Yup, your favourite anime characters living in your home. Is that great? Now, as you all know, anime characters often get into a lot of trouble so things are bound to be a lot more fun with LIACs around. To get a LIAC, go to the LIAC Bureau set up by Sae to register for your very own LIAC. There is a max. limit of 5 LIACs per person.
- Make-overs
- I call them 'Make-overs' because the RK characters in here adopt the roles of other characters in other novels, mangas, animes, movies, etc.
- Music Videos
- Songfics are stored here. A songfic is one whereby a short piece of RK fiction is written based on a song, often with accompanying lyrics. I would put up the music if I could... but that'd take up too much space.
- One-shots
- The entire fic finishes in one part. The head, the body and the tail are all there. You don't have to worry about dying of suspense.
- Parodies
- RK characters are put into hilarious situations so that you can laugh yourself silly. They say laughter will prolong your life! Maybe that's the secret technique that Hiko-sama and Kenshin use to maintain their youthful features. I mean, Hiko? 43?
Note: Some of them might change your impressions of the RK characters forever.
- Round Robins
- Round Robins are written by many many writers. They all take turns to write a robin. Anyone can join in at anytime to continue the robin. Sadly, that's the reason Round Robins are hardly ever completed. Why not pop in and see if you want to continue any unfinished robins in there?
- Series
- Akin to drama serials, these fics are long and are broken up into many parts/chapters. I've separated the completed series from the uncompleted ones for the benefit of those who prefer to read the entire series at one go.

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Since 17th July 1998, we've had visitors.
Note: Most of the pictures are taken from
Shinomori's Homepage,
Bathow-sai's Rurouni Kenshin Homepage and Kenshin's Rurouni Resource Center. [I think.]
Disclaimer: Nobuhiro Watsuki owns Rurouni Kenshin and all related
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