Kaoru's Evangelion Page
This Page Was Last Updated January 10, 2000

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Personal Opinion

Like many other fans, this anime series happens to be my favorite. The story is unbeatable, with its interesting cast of fallible characters and its powerful but mysterious mecha, which for the first time that I can remember, doesn't have an "ultimate weapon" that wipes out everything in one shot. I couldn't stop watching the series once I had seen it for the first time. I originally saw the series fansubbed but now AD Vision is in the process of releasing commercial copies of the series (I usually hate ADV, but they're doing a pretty good job on these) so I recommend obtaining your own copies if you haven't already.

Order your own copies of Neon Genesis Evangelion from Reel.com

Story Introduction

Unit01 and Nerv symbol In the year 2000 the disastrous 2nd impact occurs, melting the South Pole and wiping out half of the earth's population. Now, fifteen years later beings known as Angels are attacking the earth and the only people that can stop them are a small group of 14-year-old children. With the help of the UN special agency Nerv, these unlikely heroes must use their awesome and terrifying fighting machines, the Evangelions.

Things to Know About Evangelion

Find all the info in the

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Web Rings
Image Gallary
Shinji & Unit01
Summary Part 1
Summary Part 2
These should help you to have an understanding of Neon Genesis Evangelion and the characters and mecha involved in it. Warning, these do contain some spoilers, so continue at your own risk.

Reasons you may want to e-mail me

  1. Questions or comments.
  2. If you find huge errors and you think I should know about them.
  3. I started collecting pictures way before I even considered making a web page and I have completely forgotten where I got them all. So if you think I have stolen some of your pictures and want some credit for them or you just want me to take them off, please e-mail me. Please provide a little proof, thank you.
  4. You have absolutely nothing else to do (My favorite reason to e-mail people.)

    All text written by David "Kaoru" McGuire
    All pictures Copyright (c) GAINAX/ProjectEva.TX.NAS
