Tami's World

Also, I am having a culinary page, featuring desserts, the latest news in the

culinary world, and the coolest restaurants!

Well, maybe I should introduce myself. I'm an International Relations and Chinese dual

major at the University of California, at Davis. I am interested in cooking,

music, and travelling. Thanks for dropping by! I will try my best to

update my webpage periodically.

Check out these links!

UC Davis French Language Page - For info on French culture, language, grammar, etc.

UC Davis Internship and Career Webpage - Lots of info regarding your career search, many useful links here!

AndyArt - This is a great site on webpage construction! It has everything, from graphics to bullet points to background colors.

e-mail me at: audreyhepcat@hotmail.com

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Last Updated: May 10, 2000

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